Taking action for your needs.

Notice under s121 Charities Act 2011

Deaf Direct (Charity Number 1105044) acting as corporate trustee of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Centre, intends to dispose of the Oxford Deaf & Hard of Hearing Centre, St Ebbes Oxford, OX1 1RL.

The trustees of Deaf Direct invite comment and representations on the proposed disposal pursuant to s121 Charities Act 2011. The representations must be made by email to Craig Crowley (CEO and  Company Secretary) [email protected].

Dated 06th February 2023

Thank you for your support!

Action Deafness would like to thank Signapse who hove kindly translated our home page. Signapse are a team of Deaf and hearing people; entrepreneurs, engineers and researchers. They build artificial intelligence solutions for clients who want access to sign language translation and interpretation.