Taking action for your needs.


Dear friends and supporters,

As we approach the end of 2023, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what has been achieved. This year has been filled with challenges and uncertainties, but also with moments of hope, positivity and resilience.

I want to thank every person who has supported our charity throughout the year. Your commitment to our cause has significantly impacted the lives of those in need. People have donated, volunteered and spread awareness and all of this has made a difference.

2023 presented new challenges in the form of cost of living increases and a tough market in which to operate. The needs of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people became even more urgent as many individuals and families found themselves in desperate situations. Despite the adversity, the Action Deafness team came together and adapted our services to ensure that we supported people who needed it most.

Innovation has been a theme of 2023, where staff members have found new solutions to provide essential services. The team have provided care support at home, Deafblind communicator support and Hubs Connect – all of which are a lifeline to those struggling during challenging times. 

I appreciate that the challenges do not stop during the festive season and our essential services continue throughout the period. Some members of staff will be sacrificing time with their families and friends to ensure that our clients receive critical services. To those members of staff, I want to extend special thanks. I am inspired by these members of staff and I hope that we can all remember the value of sacrifice and giving through the festive time. 

On behalf of Action Deafness, I want to wish you and your loved ones a joyful and peaceful festive season. May it be filled with love, laughter and the warmth of shared moments.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

We look forward to continuing our work together in the coming year.

With many thanks,

Craig Crowley MBE
CEO, Action Deafness

Thank you for your support!

Action Deafness would like to thank Signapse who hove kindly translated our home page. Signapse are a team of Deaf and hearing people; entrepreneurs, engineers and researchers. They build artificial intelligence solutions for clients who want access to sign language translation and interpretation.