Navigating Challenges for Deaf/Disability Specialist Care Providers
As we enter the second month of 2025, I would like to highlight the vital services Action Deafness provides that significantly impact the lives of Deaf, Deafblind and Hard of Hearing individuals. Our commitment to delivering social value, specialist support and promoting independent living remains unwavering, even in the face of emerging challenges.
Recently, we have observed that local authorities have started to establish new care frameworks using their own financial calculations. These figures are often unrealistic and do not allow for uplifts in fees over the contract term. This situation is particularly concerning given the increases to National Insurance Contributions (NIC) and National Living Wage (NLW), which will affect the delivery of our essential services.
Many care providers are now at a crossroads: adapt to these changes or discontinue services. This is a trying time for specialist care providers like Action Deafness, as we strive to maintain the quality of care our community deserves.
So, what can be done to prevent further deterioration and improve our situation? It is crucial that we engage in meaningful dialogue with commissioners and stakeholders to explore potential compromise agreements that can address these pressing issues. Open communication and collaboration are essential in finding sustainable solutions that will allow us to continue our important and specialist provision.
As we navigate these challenges, I encourage everyone to join the conversation. We can do this by explaining to local authority commissioners the problems we are having, talking to our local MPs about financial pressures and talking with other charities about best practice and solutions.
Together, we can advocate for the necessary changes that will ensure the wellbeing of those we serve and the sustainability of our specialist services.
Let’s stay pragmatic, find ways of working together to ensure specialist services remain sustainable for the Deaf/Disability communities this year and beyond.
Craig Crowley
CEO, Action Deafness