Taking action for your needs.

Marketing Consent Form

Marketing Consent Form

Action Deafness Marketing Consent Form

Action Deafness (AD) produces a range of communications resources. We like to share the experiences of real people who use our services and/or support the work of the charity in our communications as it helps to demonstrate the difference our work is making.

By completing this form, you give AD permission to use your story in our communications on AD's website, social media, promotional material and press articles.

If you would like to keep up-to-date with AD's news then please sign up to our AD Newsletter below.  

Thank you for your support.

Your Details

Confidentiality Policy & Data Protection Act

Action Deafness Community are committed to providing a confidential service and has a full confidentiality policy in place which is available on request.

The personal data collected on this form will only be used for the purpose of processing the referral in accordance with our policy, i.e. for administrative reasons. In addition, statistical (but not personal) information may be shared with funding bodies and the Government for monitoring purposes.

As some of the personal data we have collected is deemed sensitive under the Data Protection Act, your written consent is required. You can provide that by signing below.

AD Community members may contact you on occasions with relevant information. No details will be passed to any commercial organisation. I understand and agree to the processing of my personal data provided on this form according to the terms outlined above and confirm that all information on this form is correct.


Please sign in the box:

Dated 15/09/2024

Thank you for your support!

Action Deafness would like to thank Signapse who hove kindly translated our home page. Signapse are a team of Deaf and hearing people; entrepreneurs, engineers and researchers. They build artificial intelligence solutions for clients who want access to sign language translation and interpretation.