Congratulations to our CEO Craig Crowley MBE and Rubbena Aurangzeb-Tariq founder of Deaf Ethnic Women’s Association (DEWA), who have both been inducted to the Signature Hall of Fame!
Craig was inducted for his work promoting BSL, including his work with Action Deafness, UK Deaf Sport, and the Royal School for the Deaf Derby.
“It is an honour and privilege to be one of the inductees into Signature Hall of Fame. I have been so fortunate to have had so many fantastic role-models and net contributors who I have liaised with, worked with, partnered with during my personal and professional journey. I am humbled and indebted to them for supporting and influencing my career to date. Thank you Signature for this honour.” Craig
Lindsay Foster, Executive Director at Signature, said that she is sure that today’s inductees are thoroughly deserving and excited to be able to permanently honour the achievements of Craig and Rubbena through their place in the Signature Hall of Fame.
Visit https://www.signature.org.uk/2-new-inductees-into-the-signature-hall-of-fame/ for more info.
#ActionDeafness #HallofFame #Signature #BSL