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VRS BSL Interpreter Mentoring Project

Action Deafness is establishing a new mentoring training project to support interpreters who would like to explore work in Video Relay Interpreting (VRI) and Video Relay Services (VRS). Action Deafness intends that this new initiative will draw more BSL interpreters to remote interpreting and provide improved access to the Deaf community.

BSL Interpreters will be supported as they gain professional skills and knowledge in a variety of interpreting situations which they will encounter when working in video relay interpreting and video relay services.

BSL Interpreters will benefit from one-to-one and small cohort teaching followed by one-to-one support for the duration of the programme.

Teaching and mentoring will be provided by interpreters with extensive experience in VRS/VRI and face-to-face interpreting.

AD would like to invite newly qualified interpreters and experienced interpreters (who have not worked extensively in VRI/VRS in the past) to apply for the mentoring scheme.

The mentoring programme is free to interpreters who would like to join AD’s pool of freelance remote interpreters or work for AD as staff interpreters.

Action Deafness is a Deaf-led charity which has been operating a BSL interpreting service for 20 years. In the last 10 years, AD has been at the forefront of VRS/I development and has extensive experience in training new interpreters for this exciting area of work.

If you would like to discuss this opportunity, please contact Action Deafness’ Head of Interpreting [email protected]

For more information about the Mentoring Training Project please contact: [email protected]

Thank you for your support!

Action Deafness would like to thank Signapse who hove kindly translated our home page. Signapse are a team of Deaf and hearing people; entrepreneurs, engineers and researchers. They build artificial intelligence solutions for clients who want access to sign language translation and interpretation.