Taking action for your needs.

Action Deafness Confirmed as New Provider for Council’s Deaf Communication Support Service.


Action Deafness has been confirmed as Derbyshire County Council’s Deaf Communication Support Service. 

This new partnership covers Adult Social Care and Public Health and will also continue providing advice and low level advocacy. 

The partnership will cover the following types of appointments:

  • Safeguarding, domestic abuse, adult capacity assessments
  • Occupational therapy appointments; Deaf parent support; emergency or out of hours appointments
  • Health based activities such as weight management, smoking cessation or drug and alcohol support
  • Limited support for appointments such as legal, banking or housing

The local community is invited to meet Action Deafness on 23rd July at 12 noon, at the North Derbyshire Deaf Forum, Chesterfield Community Centre, Tontine Road, Chesterfield S40, 1QU. 

There will be a short presentation of information about the new contract followed by an opportunity for questions and answers.


Thank you for your support!

Action Deafness would like to thank Signapse who hove kindly translated our home page. Signapse are a team of Deaf and hearing people; entrepreneurs, engineers and researchers. They build artificial intelligence solutions for clients who want access to sign language translation and interpretation.